Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Recipes from Francophone Africa

The club is getting pumped for our Francophone Africa Culture Night, and recipes are coming out of the woodwork on the Facebook site. Here a few links to expose you to some delish African cuisine, and to get you excited for our upcoming event!

Thanks to Linnea, Talal, and Michael for the links! Details on Francophone African Culture Night to come!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Berry Tart Recipe!

Une recette délicieuse pour les tartes aux fraises! 

Strawberry Tarts

Or mix things up a little and try it with raspberries instead:

Photo and recipe courtesy of our resident chef, Ryan Waldron, and raspberries provided by East Lansing's Farmer's Market!

Bon appétit!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Le Flâneur

Fantastic vid, fantastic song. Check it out!


The French Club is heading to Uncle John's Cider Mill on Sunday, October 16th at noon. For anyone interested, check out the facebook event page. Guaranteed FUN and delicious apples, cider, and donuts. This is the best part of fall, don't miss out!!