Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Blackcurrant Cassis

Here's a tasty recipe for anyone looking to class up their festivities this Syllabus Week. Blackcurrant cassis (Kir), yum!

Makes 6-8 glasses

2 cups blackcurrants
¼ cup caster (superfine) sugar
5 tbsp vodka
sparkling wine or Champagne

Cook’s tip
For a less alcoholic version, either leave out the vodka from the syrup or top up the glasses with chilled sparkling mineral water instead of wine of Champagne.

1. Using a fork, strip the blackcurrants from their stems.  Scatter ½ cup of the fruit into the sections of an ice-cube tray.  Top up with cold water and freeze for about 2 hours.

2. Put the sugar in a small, heavy pan with 4 tbsp of water and heat gently until the sugar has dissolved.  Bring to a boil, remove from the heat, then pour into a jug and leave to cool.  Push the remaining blackcurrants through the juicer and mix with the syrup.  Stir in the vodka and chill until ready to serve.

3. Put two or three blackcurrant ice cubes into each tall stemmed glass.  Add 1-2 tbsp of the syrup to each glass and top up with sparkling wine or Champagne.  Serve immediately.

Recipe credit: Juices & Smoothies by Suzannah Olivier and Joanna Farrow

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