Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Exciting Updates

Bonjour, fellow Francophiles! I have a few things to share and some upcoming events to introduce to you all:

The Romance Language Club Potluck was fantastic- we teamed up La Casa Spanish Club and the Brazilian Cultural Association for an evening of food, music, and cultural exchange!

Some of the delicious food provided by our eBoard:

Happy potluck attendees:

And last Friday we had a fantastic French Club Bar crawl... I could only attend the dinner part (Peanut Barrel, yum) due to being sadly underage, but I heard it was a smash success and a fun (and drunken) time was had by all!


Next up on the agenda: "What Can You Do with a Foreign Language Major?" Career Workshop with Linda Gross on Wednesday, April 11. Be sure to attend this if you have ever gotten a snarky question like this from your lame Business or Pre-Med friends. Next time they give you attitude about your liberal arts education be prepared to respond with wit, class, and an iota of self-righteousness.

AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST.... The long-awaited CHICAGO TRIP!!!! It is quickly approaching, my friends. I know I can't wait. In case you've forgotten, April 14-15 we will be heading to the Windy City for art, culture, food, and shopping! 


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